VR-based real-time EEG/EMG, ECG neurofeedback device
is designed to collect and analyze the user’s physiological response to VR content

Easy to Use
CleverPoint easily integrates into popular VR-headset models. All it takes is to replace the face mask.
- Meta Quest 2
- Meta Quest 3
One device for different signal sources
CleverPoint records:
• electrical activity of brain in prefrontal cortex (EEG),
• eye movement and facial muscle movement (EMG),
• electrical activity of the heart (EKG).

Real-time biosignals monitoring
- raw data (Amplitude/FFT)
- pulse
- concentration (CleverPoint Algorithm)
- stress level (CleverPoint Algorithm)
- labels from VR-scenario
Offline data analysis
our software is able to calculate:
- level of alpha-, beta-, gamma-, theta brain waves,
- FFT and Wavelet analysis
- coherence analysis
- indicators of heart rate variability: RMSSD, SDNN, pNN50 and others,
- level of concentration/relaxation
- stress level

Simple integration with VR scenarios
Ability to send control commands and informational tags from the VR scene and back.

CleverPoint Features
Analyze the functioning of the body and brain during VR sessions and adapt your VR scenarios to the physiological state of the user using CleverPoint.
- 6 forehead and facial channels for EEG/EMG data and 1 ECG channel for accurate biofeedback
- Adjustable gain from 1 to 24
- WiFi mode for real-time data transmission up to 1000 Hz sampling frequency
- Bluetooth 5.0 mode for fast pairing with VR-headsets
- Rechargeable battery up to 5 hours of work
- Dry silver/silver chloride electrodes
- RAW data access
- Meta Quest 2/3 integration
Order now
2800 €
Kit composition:
- CleverPoint device
- Facial Interface
- ECG cable
- How-to-use training
excl. VAT, shipping, customs costs, travel costs
Based on our technology, we have developed several products:

Platform for physiological and psychological assessment with instant recording of ECG, EEG/EMG

a versatile VR breathing trainer with biofeedback in virtual reality designed to manage the autonomic nervous system.
Learn more
Objective physiology for

Immersive psychology Workspace
Research & Development