
integrated suite for scientific research, leveraging VR technology for biofeedback applications and in-depth physiological data analysis.

Key Features:

  • Unlimited Recordings: Allows for extensive data collection without restrictions.
  • Comprehensive Data Management: Enables recording, storage, and exportation of valuable data.
  • Advanced Integration: Includes LSL and Matlab drivers for enhanced compatibility.
  • Real-Time Data Exchange: Supports interaction with Unreal Engine and Unity via UDP Protocol for dynamic application development.
  • Flexible Installation: The software can be installed on an unlimited number of workstations (PCs), offering flexibility in how and where the CleverPoint 4 device is used, whether at home, in the office, or by colleagues also wishing to utilize the CleverPoint 4 device.

Real-time monitoring and recording of 6 facial and 1 ECG channels for biofeedback purposes

  • raw data (Amplitude/FFT)
  • pulse
  • concentration (CleverPoint Algorithm)
  • stress level (CleverPoint Algorithm)

Integration with VR-scenarios

  • Ability to control (start/stop/pause) of VR scenarios*
  • Ability to send and receive informational labels from a VR scenario*
  • Possibility to put your own labels


* - VR scenarios must be developed according to the CleverPoint API

Ability to control ADC registers

  • control of channels and their gain
  • BIAS management
  • Lead-Off control

Real-time data transfer via LSL protocol

The Lab Streaming Layer (LSL) is a network protocol designed to support real-time data exchange, particularly for research in neurosciences and other disciplines where synchronization of data streams is critical. It was developed to address the challenges of integrating data from diverse sources, such as EEG devices, eye trackers, and behavioral measurements.

CleverLAB records:

  • electrical activity of brain in prefrontal cortex (EEG),
  • eye movement and facial muscle movement (EMG),
  • electrical activity of the heart (EСG).

Offline data analysis

CleverLAB is able to calculate:

  • level of alpha-, beta-, gamma-, theta brain waves in relative and absolute numbers
  • FFT and Wavelet analysis
  • coherence analysis
  • indicators of heart rate variability (HRV): RMSSD, SDNN, pNN50 and others
  • level of concentration/relaxation
  • stress level based on HRV
  • CleverPoint functional state algorithms
  • export to Excel

Short video about CleverLab functionality